by Jason Gibbs
Memo: To All In The Workshop
From: SC Emeritus (Chairman)
Please join me in welcoming our new SC. His previous experience has been across the entire retail spectrum, with his last role as head of Physical Retail for Nile & Mississippi Corp, taking them to the number 1 virtual retailer in the world.
He will be meeting the senior workshop elves today, and will be introducing himself to as many of you as possible over the next few weeks.
I look forward to this new chapter in Christmas Eve Deliveries future.
SC (Emeritus)
“New SC.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“Bet you he brings in a consultancy, they do a review, they move some chairs around, and then we go back to normal.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“Such a waste of time.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
Memo: All Senior Elves
From: SC
Subject: Strategic Review
So good to meet so many of you yesterday. I was excited by your energy and am looking forward to working with you to take this organisation to the next level.
To that end I’ve invited McJinskey, Dain and Co to perform a strategic review. They will be meeting with you individually over the next four weeks to establish your roles, responsibilities and future goals. I would ask you to be open and honest with them, so that they can get the most accurate picture and help us develop a truly visionary strategy to take us into the next decades.
Memo: All M, D and C Associates (INTERNAL MDC ONLY)
From: Bob Robinson, Senior Partner
Subject: Inappropriate behaviour
I have just met with SC who has been fielding complaints about some of our associates. He was clear with me that our continuing involvement in this strategic review was at risk. I will speak with the individuals involved, but I want all of you to take responsibility for this, and improve.
Some key rules:
– The elves do not like comments on their height
– While you are entitled to milk and cookies, please be abstemious in your consumption
– Anything coloured red and marked with the letters SC is only for SC
I do hope that you understand the gravity of this situation.
Any questions, come and see me.
Senior Partner
North Pole Geographical Region
McJinskey, Dain and Co
Subject: Christmas Eve Deliveries – Strategic Review
Contents: [Redacted due to litigation]
[Redacted due to litigation]
“Yes SC.”
“Did they leave anything unredacted?”
“Yes SC, one recommendation.”
“Right, let’s have it.”
Memo: All Senior Elves
From: SC
Subject: Strategic Review
MDC have completed their review. I know it was bumpy, but I think it delivered some very interesting recommendations. I will be discussing them with the Board, but in the meantime we will be implementing the first of their recommendations.
From today, there will be no caffeinated drinks served in the Workshop after noon. Drinking caffeine after noon disrupts sleep patterns, and is reducing the efficacy of our elves. Please communicate this to your teams.
There will be no exceptions.
“Who’s going to tell him?”
“Not me.”
“That’s the third night in a row!”
“Still not going to be me.”
“They all fall asleep SC.”
“They’re elves, they need the caffeine to stay awake.”
“Fine, we’ll reverse the rule.”
SC sat his head in his hands. The elf hadn’t left.
“Um SC, I’m afraid that’s not all.”
“Well, you see, we’ve basically lost almost a week of production.”
“And? Can’t we make it up?”
“I’m afraid not all of it, we’re too close to December. We’ve done the projections and we’ll still be two percent short. That’s millions of little boys and girls without a present…”
“This is a disaster. I should have stayed at N&M. Right, can you get me options?”
“Yes SC.”
Options Paper
Topic: Recovery of lost production due to caffeine incident.
The working group have determined that there are only three options which can mitigate the impact of the lost production in time.
Option One – Review the List (Only Once More):
By applying more stringent criteria, it will be possible to reduce the number of eligible children, thereby diminishing, or removing the impact of the shortfall.
Risks: There may not be time to do a complete review. It may be unfair due to incompleteness and impact Christmas Spirit.
Option 2 – Deliver A Subset of Gifts On Boxing Day
By adding two full days production, it should be possible to make up the shortfall.
Risks: Elf exhaustion. Breaks tradition.
Option 3 – Select some more affluent regions and acquire their excess toys on the 23rd Dec.
There are several regions (see attached list) where the children already get many gifts and have plenty spare, often unboxed in their houses. If we went to these houses we could gather these excess gifts and that would easily make up the shortfall. There is a slight risk that we’d regift them their presents, but we believe we can use geographical pre-planning to avoid that.
The working group was split on which option they should recommend. For fairness alone, Option 2 was the preference.
“Deliver on Boxing Day?”
“Yes SC.”
The elf said nothing.
SC held his head in his hands, again.
“I’m afraid none of the other options were practical.”
“No, I understand. Boxing Day. The fact that the one of the other options was to commit mass burglary shows… hmmm. This option 3?”
“SC?” asked the elf a little nervously, wondering if they’d made the obvious crazy option in some way attractive.
“I thought the technology meant we could only do the big fly round on Christmas Eve?”
He saw SC’s face start to cloud and said quickly, “Oh the advanced technology indistinguishable from magic. Yes.”
Then he mumbled under his breath, “Which we’ve had for centuries, long before your so-called technology…”
“What was that?”
“Ah, nothing SC. There is nothing preventing us flying on the night before Christmas Eve. The Reindeer need about a day’s rest, but in theory they could go every day. We’ve never tried that of course… never needed to.”
“Hmm, really. Interesting. Now let me think…”
There was a gleam in SC’s eyes. The elf wasn’t sure if he was happy or not.
“He seemed excited.”
“Yes, something about exit strategy?”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“Asked me about the sleep magic,” said the senior elf.
“Did he?”
“Yes, wanted to know if it would prevent someone waking up if he kicked them, or accidentally stabbed them with a needle. I explained that even if they woke up the magic… magic, would prevent them from remembering.”
Memo: Secret Santa Strategy Group
From: SC
Subject: Red Stocking Fillers
I’ve already spoken to some of you, and I believe we have a strategy. It is imperative that this is kept secret until after we’ve run the pilot.
I had not expected my experience in the health division of N & M to come in useful, but needs must. There are big shipments of fast tests arriving today and tomorrow. I’d like them loaded on the sleigh with as little fuss as possible. In addition I need two volunteers to handle the processing and record keeping of the tests. We’ve wargamed this, and I believe we can do it at the same cadence as present delivery with these two little helpers.
Tomorrow night is the 23rd. I’d hoped to be able to go tonight, but it’s just not been possible. That being the case we’re going to reduce the pilot to just one test, and two regions, the North American and European regions.
To repeat, this is secret squirrel, no blabbing. If we get this right, it’ll change our role in Christmas forever.
“Seems happy with last night.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“Some more big deliveries just before the big night.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“Unusual to get external deliveries. But retooling would have been slow.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“I think it was a good idea to highlight the line about Santa liking rich kids more. I think he’s taken that on board.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
Memo: All Elves
From: SC
Subject: Tonight – the big delivery!
This is it, we’re about to go out, and go big!
We will be giving extra presents this year, as you know we’ve had deliveries from suppliers to my old company. This is not a reflection on you at all, but we’re taking a bit more out to some people with us this year.
One thing, I know some of you have been wondering about the workshop shortfall. We’ve reviewed the stats, and we have determined that if we don’t deliver toys to little boys and girls across New England and South-East England in North America and Europa respectively, then the predicted impact is a less than .5% reduction in Christmas spirit. Well within tolerances.
Thank you all for your final effort, I leave in 10 minutes,
“So, heaviest sleigh I’ve ever seen. Who knew paper weighed that much.”
“Ya,” grunted B.
“You think it’ll work?”
There was a pause.
“Ya,” grunted B.
The senior elf turned to him, saw the smile, and answered it.
Memo: All Senior Elves
From: SC
Subject: Christmas Eve
Firstly, I want to thank all of you for the work you’ve done in the last year. Last night was amazing, and I would not have been able to deliver presents across the globe without the hard work of each and every one of you.
I am aware that this has been a bumpy start to my time as SC, and I take full responsibility. One of the things I was most concerned about when I agreed to take on this role was the slowly increasing irrelevance of what we do.
I realise this may come as a shock to many of you, but out there, toys are no longer special. Many children no longer get only one, or perhaps two presents a year. In half the world they get dozens. Our little additions no longer make any difference. The statistical analysis of the impact of our delivery run on Christmas spirit in North America and Europe last year was in fact slightly negative. More Christmas spirit was delivered in the fifth sequel of a popular Christmas film franchise. Over the course of the next few decades it seems likely that this will be case across the whole world.
This is a bitter pill for all of you, and a key objective of my first 100 days was to identify a solution. I believe I have it.
For those children whose parents cannot afford presents, or very meagre ones, we will continue to deliver on Christmas Eve for as long as this situation continues. This will require far more targeted deliveries, and an upgrade to the entire Naughty and Nice platform to include means testing.
For the other children, we will not deliver any physical presents.
Our mission will change, we will start to deliver health to the world. We ran the first pilot on the eve of Christmas Eve, and the follow up last night as part of the main sleigh ride.
In our first step we tested for the most common genetic deficiency in Europe and North America, Haemochromatosis. Something like 1 in 500 of the population of those two continents have the disease, but it is not diagnosed in most sufferers until too late, if at all.
We tested 250 million people for haemochromatosis on the 23rd. And identified nearly 500,000 people who had the disease of whom 450,000 were not being treated.
Last night we went back to those people, and we left them a note with details of the disease, proof of their diagnosis, and details of treatment for them. In most cases that’s a simple donation of blood. We hope to see a big bump in blood donations over the next few weeks, which is a positive side effect of this process, and should reduce some of the impact of St Sylvester or New Year’s Eve.
We’re still getting all the data in, but I believe that this will show real benefits. We can then look at other testing, for example for sickle cell anaemia, or for latent malaria. As I said, this is our chance to give a great gift to the whole world, the gift of health.
In addition, it was highlighted to me that Haemochromatosis is a disease prevalent in the rich world, so we also contacted some experts on health in some of the other parts of the world. We will be meeting with them again, but as a first step we managed to drop thousands of mosquito nets and basic health packs in the homes of millions of children who are at risk of malaria and other depredations. I can tell you, it wasn’t all ho ho ho, but it was more satisfying.
With the magic we have at our disposal, we can change the world for the better, not just at Christmas, but for the whole year.
Apologies for this long memo, but it is very important. I encourage all elves to sign-up to the healthcare courses which will be opening up next week. I will need your help and input to make this a success.
In the meantime, thank you again for your hard work!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus