I went through a phase of submitting my short stories to competitions and magazines. I may do so again, as I had some success several years ago.
I particularly like flash fiction, it has a crispness that forces me to concentrate on the core ideas and ignore the extraneous.
After a gap of some years I entered a story into the Tacchi Morris “The Page is Printed 2023: Creative Writing Competition”, and was honoured to win the Somerset Prize for my story ‘Portrait‘.
‘Tree Justice’ was published by Flash Fiction Magazine on September 2nd 2014.
My story, Feedback, was shortlisted for thewordhut.com’s ‘No. 12 Short Story Writing Competition’, you can read it here.
I was lucky enough to receive an honourable mention for a story in the Darker Times September 2013 competition for ‘Who’s For Dinner?’.
Short Stories
T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog published ‘Our Heritage is in Our Blood’ in February 2015.
CreativeWritingMatters shortlisted my story ‘Tattoo‘ for their WoW! 2014 Short Story Competition.
Labello Press longlisted my story ‘Language is Important’ in their 2014 Short Story Competition, you can read it here.
Writer’s Village were nice enough to give me a ‘Shortlisted Story’ prize for my story ‘Flower of Youth’ in their 2013 competition. This was then published in my book, ‘Post Scarcity Blues’.
I was honoured to be the Gold Prize Winner for ‘Shining Beacon‘ in the ArtAscent Dark themed December 2013 magazine.